140plus tweak For Twitter for iphone lets you send Tweets Over 140 Characters long [Jailbreak Tweak]
140plus is a tweak for Twitter for iphone which allows you to get around the annoying 140-character Twitter limit. Instead, you’ll be given the option to either shrink the tweet down to 140 characters or send it anyway. So how can you send a larger tweet? read on.
Sadly, there’s no way to post long tweets directly on the service, since they’re simply not supported and don’t work with the service. This mod gets around that similarly to other services such as Twitlonger or Deck.ly, available on other clients, removing all excess characters and inserting a link to the full tweet instead. Unlike Twitlonger, tweets will be stored on Pastie.org service, which wasn’t specifically developed to to host tweets, but is able to do that job just fine.
This tweak requires you jailbreak your phone first, since this method isn’t approved by either Apple or Twitter. It’s recommended that you have basic skills on how to restore your device, in case something goes wrong. You can follow our step by step guide to jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch on iOS 4.3.1 with Redsn0w, PwnageTool 4.3 (untethered | tethered) on Mac, or with Sn0wbreezeon Windows, or on iOS 4.3.2 withRedsn0w, PwnageTool 4.3 (tethered), or with Sn0wbreeze on Windows, or on iOS 4.3.3 using Redsn0w, PwnageTool and Sn0wbreeze. If one of those methods hasn’t worked for you, be sure to poke around. One will almost definitely work on your phone. If you’re not willing to jailbreak your phone or modify Twitter, you can always get another client that supports long tweets, such as TweetDeck for iPhone.
This mod was created by Moe Seth, who authored many other iphone tweaks, such as Photector, which allows you to password-protect your pictures, in order to prevent them from being deleted, or just remove the option to delete them altogether; and TwitPlaying, which lets you tweet out the song currently playing on your device. like many popular mods, 140plus is available on BigBoss, which is among the most popular Cydia repositories. The installation process is simple and no restart is required. You’ll simply have to re-launch Twitter for iphone app to see the changes.
Be wary of updates to Twitter for iPhone, since they can and will most likely break this mod, or at least require users to re-apply it.
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